NEROC Fourth Annual Radio Science Symposium

Friday, November 1, 2019

MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA


* = Invited institutional overview
† = Invited presentation

Ivan Galkin, University of Massachusetts–Lowell,* Active radiowave plasma experiments: multi-nation and spaceborne projects at UML

Emil Atz, Boston University, Combining in-situ, optical and remote sensing observations to study magnetic reconnection

Brian Walsh, Boston University, Lunar environment heliospheric x-ray imager

Longzhi Gan, Boston University, Nonlinear interactions between radiation belt electrons and chorus waves: dependence on wave amplitude modulation

Larisa Goncharenko, MIT Haystack Observatory, Observations of pole-to-pole, stratosphere-to-ionosphere connection

Lindsay Goodwin, Boston University, Characterizing substorm triggered tongues of ionization using SuperDARN and TEC observations

Sebastijan Mrak, Boston University, GPS scintillation at middle latitudes

Julia Tilles, University of New Hampshire, Broadband radio interferometer observations of fast electrical processes in thunderstorms

Dhiman Mondal, MIT Haystack Observatory, Improved space geodesy through advanced technology and techniques

Evan Thomas, Dartmouth College, Remote sensing of Arctic sea ice using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network

Josh Semeter, Boston University, On the sources of highly structured airglow in the sub-auroral ionosphere

Catherine Espaillat, Boston University, Revealing the star–disk–jet connection using multiwavelength variability

Robert Gutermuth, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, The present and future of Milky Way star formation science with LMT/GTM

Glen Petitpas, Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Resolving the interstellar medium in nearby galaxies

Vincent Fish, MIT Haystack Observatory, Imaging black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope

Maciek Wielgus, Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Event Horizon Telescope — the expansion plans

Kotaro Moriyama, MIT Haystack Observatory, Black hole spin measurement based on time-domain VLBI observations of infalling gas cloud

John Barrett, MIT Haystack Observatory, EDGES-3: towards a complementary observation of the Epoch of Reionization

Calvin Leung, MIT Kavli Institute, Triggered VLBI with the CHIME/FRB baseband recording


Lindy Blackburn, Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, The next generation EHT: future directions for ground and space

Geoff Crew, MIT Haystack Observatory, New science with the ALMA phasing system

Sandra G. Bustamante Gonzalez & Aleksandar PopStefanija, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, Wideband array Roach-enabled spectrometer

Philip Engelke, Johns Hopkins University, OH as an Alternate Tracer for Molecular GasOH as an alternate tracer for molecular gas

Jacqueline Girouard, Institute of Scientific Research at Boston College (ISR), Using the Kepler full frame images to find long-period variables in the Milky Way

Sanjeev Mehta & Sean Freeman, University of Massachusetts–Lowell, SPACE HAUC: A undergraduate CubeSat mission to demonstrate high bandwidth communication using a X-band phased-array

Phillip Phipps, Boston University, Juno radio occultations of the Io plasma torus

Cole Tamburri, Boston College, A new empirical model for ionospheric total electron content

Paul Withers, Boston University, Radio occultation observations of plasma across the solar system

Shunrong Zhang, MIT Haystack Observatory, GNSS applications to ionospheric disturbance studies