Melanie Straight

Senior Fiscal Officer Financial analysis, forecasting, budgeting, and reporting; audit and institute policy compliance; sponsor and Principal Investigator liaison; proposal submissions
Office Phone 617-715-5515
Other Phone 617-715-5400

I obtained my Bachelor of Science Degree in International Business Administration from Babson College in Wellesley, MA. I also obtained a minor in World Religion from Wellesley College through a cross-registration program. After graduating, I worked for the Harvard School of Public Health in the Biostatistics Department, handling a variety of financial tasks for the department. I then took an opportunity to ride and train horses professionally in South Florida for several years in the discipline of Dressage. I had two sponsors and rode and competed at the Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) level.

My first position at MIT was as a Financial Assistant II in the Administrative Services Organization handling finances for Chemical Engineering and the Department of Materials Science Engineering. After about 3 years I was promoted to Assistant Fiscal Officer at the Research Laboratory of Electronics. I then took a position as a Fiscal Officer at Haystack Observatory in 2007. I am now a Senior Fiscal Officer handling financial analysis, long- and short-term financial projections, audit and policy compliance, and research proposal submissions.