
Haystack publications across all research areas: astronomy, geodesy, geospace and atmospheric science, and space technology. Publications listed here each include at least one Haystack author.
2878 Results found

VizieR Online Data Catalog: Central Molecular Zone cloud complexes datacubes (Busch+, 2022). VizieR Online Data Catalog. (2022). BIBCODE:

A Bayesian approach to modelling spectrometer data chromaticity corrected using beam factors — I. Mathematical formalism. arXiv. (2022). DOI:

Next-Generation Meteor Radar Networks for MLT Science. (2022).

Gaussian process model specification for 4-D wind field estimation using meteor radar network observations. 2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting. (2022).

Digital RF. (2022).

Mass Loss in Evolved Stars. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. (2022). DOI:

Analytic Approximations of Scattering Effects on Beam Chromaticity in 21-cm Global Experiments. Radio Science. (2022). DOI:

ATLASGAL – evolutionary trends in high-mass star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (2022). DOI:

Near-infrared Polarization from Unresolved Disks around Brown Dwarfs and Young Stellar Objects. The Astrophysical Journal. (2022). DOI:

Recent Deployment and Results from the Zephyr MIMO Meteor Radar in Colorado. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July. (2022). BIBCODE:…44..614P

An Energy-Efficient Incoherent Scatter Radar at Mars. Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration. (2022). BIBCODE:

Aurora: A Software Radio for Electromagnetic Vector Sensors in Space. (2022).

Multistatic Radar Development for the Colorado Zephyr Meteor Radar Network. URSI Radio Science Letters. (2022). DOI:

Comparison of ICON-EUV F-Peak Characteristic Parameters with External Data Sources. Space Science Reviews. (2022). DOI:

Editorial: Coupled feedback mechanisms in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. (2022). DOI:

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