
Haystack publications across all research areas: astronomy, geodesy, geospace and atmospheric science, and space technology. Publications listed here each include at least one Haystack author.
2878 Results found

Four-dimensional mesospheric and lower thermospheric wind fields using Gaussian process regression on multistatic specular meteor radar observations. (2021). DOI:

Supplementary material to "Four-dimensional mesospheric and lower thermospheric wind fields using Gaussian process regression on multistatic specular meteor radar observations". (2021). DOI:

A preliminary assessment of the accuracy of the VGOS geodetic products: implications for the terrestrial reference frame and Earth orientation parameters. (2021). DOI:

Recent measurements of subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh. (2021). DOI:

Impact of Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Mid-Latitude Thermosphere and Ionosphere over USA and Europe. (2021). DOI:

The hemispheric asymmetry of ionospheric lunitidal signatures during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the eastern Asian and American sectors. (2021). DOI:

From bow waves to travelling atmospheric disturbances: thermospheric perturbations along solar eclipse trajectory. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (2021). DOI:

Night-time Ionospheric Localized Enhancements (NILE) Observed in North America Following Geomagnetic Disturbances. (2021). DOI:

First comparison of travelling atmospheric disturbances observed in the middle thermosphere by GOLD to travelling ionospheric disturbances seen in ground-based total electron content observations. (2021). DOI:

From Bow Waves to Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances: Thermospheric Perturbations Along Solar Eclipse Trajectory. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (2021). DOI:

First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring. The Astrophysical Journal. (2021). DOI:

First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Magnetic Field Structure near The Event Horizon. The Astrophysical Journal. (2021). DOI:

Polarimetric Properties of Event Horizon Telescope Targets from ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal. (2021). DOI:

Absolute Calibration of Diffuse Radio Surveys at 45 and 150 MHz. The Astrophysical Journal. (2021). DOI:

Multi‐hypothesis comparison of Farquhar and Collatz photosynthesis models reveals the unexpected influence of empirical assumptions at leaf and global scales. Global Change Biology. (2021). DOI:

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