Radio Stars in the Era of New Observatories (Radio Stars 2024)
Presentation Slides and Posters
The page contains links to oral presentation slides and poster presentations from the 2024 MIT Haystack Observatory conference “Radio Stars in the Era of New Observatories”. All linked files are in PDF format.
A full version of the meeting schedule is available here. Abstracts for all presentations are available here.
Additional files will be added as they become available; please check back.
Oral Presentations
Day 3 (Friday, April 19, 2024) | Speaker |
Radio Emission from Magnetic Massive Stars (Invited) | Barnali Das |
Unveiling Elusive Radio Flares in Hot Magnetic OBA Stars with the VLITE Commensal Sky Survey | Emil Polisensky |
Modeling Long-Wavelength Thermal Emissions from Non-Spherical Circumstellar Media: Applications to structured envelopes of hot massive stars | Richard Ignace |
The wide diversity of radio supernovae (Invited) | Dillon Dong |
Millimeter-wave Flaring Stars from the South Pole Telescope | Chris Tandoi |
Understanding the radio stars population with ASKAP, on the path to the SKA | Tara Murphy |
The Sydney Radio Star Catalogue: a new catalogue of radio stars | Laura Driessen |
Physical Drivers and Radio Signatures of the Diversity of Nova Eruptions (Invited) | Laura Chomiuk |
The Symbiotic Recurrent Nova V745 Sco at Radio Wavelengths | Isabella Molina |
VLBA Images of the Fastest Nova V1674 Her | Montana Williams |
Perspectives (Invited) | Robert Mutel |
Poster Presentations
Posters are listed alphabetically by lead author.
Poster Title | First Author |
Stellar Radio Transients in the VLA Sky Survey | Carlos Ayala |
Submillimeter observations of the magnetic cataclysmic variable AR Sco | Paul Barrett |
Evolved Stars: Distance estimates using infrared data and Supervised Machine Learning | Rajorshi Bhattacharya |
CMB Surveys as Transient Detectors | Emily Biermann |
Unveiling the structure of evolved stars’ extended atmospheres: Capabilities of SKA and ngVLA | Behzad Bojnordiarbab |
A Rigorous K-Band Hunt for Aromatic Molecules (ARKHAM): How aromaticity varies across the earliest stages of star formation | Andrew Burkhardt |
Hide and seek: Hunting for hot Jupiters at decameter wavelengths | Cristina-Maria Cordun |
Betelgeuse: extraordinary events | William R. F. Dent |
High Mass Loss in Hidden Clumps and the SW Clump in ALMA Observations of the Red Hypergiant VY CMa | Roberta Humphreys |
Measuring Magnetic Fields of Coronal Mass Ejection in Corona and Inner Heliosphere using Wide Field of View Spectro-polarimetric Radio Imaging | Devojyoti Kansabanik |
Toward Commissioning Solar Observations with MeerKAT: Opening a New Frontier in Solar Radio Physics | Devojyoti Kansabanik |
Unraveling (sub)-stellar magnetospheres | Robert Kavanagh |
Upcoming Improvements to the VLBA | Justin Linford |
Spatially Resolved Observations of the Atmosphere of Betelgeuse with the VLA and ALMA | Lynn D. Matthews |
Determination of Dynamic Masses in the Young Multiple Stellar System EC 95 Located in the Serpens Main Core | Jazmı́n Ordóñez-Toro |
A Volume-Limited Radio Search for Magnetic Activity in 140 Exoplanets with the Very Large Array | Kevin Ortiz Ceballos |
Rapid radio variability in black hole and neutron star X-ray binary jets | Eli Pattie |
Unveiling the Cosmic Cradle: clustering and massive star formation in the enigmatic Galactic bubble N59 | Sonu Tabitha Paulson |
The detection of radio emission from the latest-type ultracool dwarf in a circular polarisation search | Kovi Rose |
The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) Survey | Loránt Sjouwerman |
Dynamics at the Crossroads of the Galactic Bar and Disk With Red Supergiant SiO Masers | Rachel Weller |
Electron cyclotron maser emission in solar radio bursts | Stephen White |
Conference Summary
A Conference Summary paper is in preparation for submission to PASP. It will be posted here at a future date.